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Winning Bloons Tower Defence 5 on the Impoppable level

Here is a build order walkthrough that can assist you to win the Impoppable game mode of Bloons tower defence.  Of course this will also work for the easier hard, medium, and easy levels.   I have tested this strategy on all the beginner levels successfully.  I had some success on the intermediate and advanced maps.
I did not enable any abilities at the monkey lab, but you are welcome to do so to assist.

At the speciality store, I enabled the AI’s Custom Chippers.  I use this speciality so that the bloonchippers can suck up bananas from the banana farm.   This speciality does make the chippers slightly cheaper and adds the ability to daze and slow the balloons briefly.   If you play without this speciality, then I will recommend you use an agent to harvest the bananas at the farms and note that the bloonchippers will be slightly more expensive.

This bloons walkthrough was created on an android device.  Should be very similar for the iOS and other versions of the game.

I will show the build order on the first of the beginner levels – monkey lane.
Use this map with the alphabet letters A to F to see where I placed the various towers:

The round numbers below indicate end-of-that-round.  To simplify the walkthough I only placed towers and do the upgrades at the end of the round.  There could be advantages to place and upgrade during the round.

Pre round 1:  Place a Dart Monkey at A.   Upgrade sharp shots and razor sharp shots.
Round 4: Upgrade the dart monkey at A to triple darts and long range darts.
Round 5: Upgrade the dart monkey at A to Enhanced Eyesight
This single dart monkey will now clear the balloons comfortably until level 16.

Round 11: Build a banana farm at B.   Place it so that there will be space for 1 more farm as well as a bloonchipper that we will build a bit later.  Remember to pick up the fallen bananas until you have a harvester agent or a bloonchipper that can suck them up.
Round 12: Upgrade the banana farm to more bananas.
Round 15: Build the bloonchipper at B.  Leave space for another banana farm close by.   Some rounds later we will build a 3rd farm.
Round 19: Upgrade the banana farm to a banana plantation.

Round 22: Build the second banana farm at B.
Round 23: Upgrade the banana farm to more bananas
Round 25: Upgrade the banana farm to banana plantation.
Round 26: Upgrade the bloonchipper to suckier.  Add another dart monkey to C – but leave some spavce for another banana farm above it. 
Round 27: Upgrade the bloonchipper  to heavy duty suction and dual layer blades.  Change to target strong.
Round 29: Add the 3rd (and last) banana farm at C.  Upgrade to more bananas.
Round 30: Upgrade the 2nd dart monkey to long range darts, enhanced eyesight, sharp shots, razor sharp shots, triple darts.

Round 32: Upgrade the 3rd banana farm to banana plantation.
Round 36:  Place a monkey village at the bloonchipper.  Will be good if the village covers the chipper and all 3 banana farms.  Upgrade one of the banana farms to banana republic.  Upgrade the bloon chipper to long range suck and faster shred.
Round 37: Upgrade the monkey village to monkey beacon and monkey fort.  Add a sniper monkey at E and upgrade to faster firing.
Round 38:  Upgrade the sniper monkey to full metal jacket and night vision goggles.  Add a bomb tower at B under the cover of the monkey village.  Upgrade the bomb tower to extra range, frag bombs

Round 39: Upgrade the monkey village to radar scanner.  Upgrade the bomb tower to bigger bombs and missile launcher
Round 41: Upgrade the more advanced banana farm to long life bananas and valuable bananas.
This is how we look now:

Round 42: Upgrade the bomb tower to cluster bombs.   Upgrade the village to jungle drums.
Round 44: Upgrade the 2nd banana farm to banana republic
Round 45: Upgrade the bloonchipper to super wide funnel
Round 46: Add a second bloonchipper at B.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty suction, dual layer blades, long range suck.  Set to target strong.

Round 48: Upgrade the 2nd banana farm to long life bananas and valuable bananas.  Upgrade the 2nd bloonchipper to faster schred.  Add a 3rd bloonchipper to B.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty suction,  long range suck, faster shred.  Target strong.
Round 49:  Upgrade the 3rd banana farm to banana republic.  Upgrade the 3rd bloonchipper to dual layer blades.
Round 50: Upgrade the 3rd banana farm to long life bananas and valuable bananas.  Note: I do not upgrade them further.  There might be an advantage to take them to banana research facility but I did not need it…

Round 51: Upgrade the bomb tower to bloon impact.
Round 52: Upgrade the 2nd bloonchipper to super wide funnel
Round 53: Upgrade the sniper monkey to semi automatic
Round 54: Upgrade the sniper monkey to point five oh
Round 55: Upgrade the 3rd bloonshipper to super wide funnel.    Build a monkey village at A.  All the towers we will now build at A must be under cover of the village.

Round 57: Build a bloonchipper at A.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred.  Target strong.
Round 58: Upgrade the village at A to monkey beacon, monkey fort, radar scanner.
Round 59: Upgrade the village at A to jungle drums.
Round 60: Build a bloonchipper at A.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range. Target strong.

Round 61: Upgrade the newest bloonchipper to faster schred.
Round 62:  Build a bomb tower at A.  Upgrade extra range, frag bombs, cluster bombs, bigger bombs, missile launcher.  Round 63 is hard!
Round 63: Upgrade the last bomb tower to bloon impact.

This is where we stand now:

Round 65: Build a bloonchipper at A.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred. Target strong.
Round 69: Build a monkey village at D.  Upgrade monkey beacon, jungle drums, monkey fort, radar scanner.  Build a bloonchipper at D.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred. Target strong.

Round 71:  Build a bomb tower at D. Upgrade extra range, frag bombs, cluster bombs, bloon impact, bigger bombs, missile launcher
Round 73: Build a bloonchipper at D.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred. Target strong.
Round 75: Build a bloonchipper at D.   Upgrade suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred. Target strong.   Build a ninja monkey at F.   Upgrade ninja discipline, sharp shurikens, double shot, Seeking shuriken, distraction.

Round 76: Upgrade the ninja monkey to bloonjitsu
Round 77: Build a monkey village at F.  Upgrade monkey beacon, jungle drums, monkey fort.
Round 78:  Build a bomb tower at F. Upgrade extra range, frag bombs, cluster bombs, bloon impact, bigger bombs, misile launcher.   Change the 3 bloonchippers at F and the 3 at B to target first.  Round 79 is difficult! 

Round 79:  Upgrade the village at F to radar scanner.
Round 80:  Build a super monkey at B.  Upgrade laser blasts, plasma blasts, super range, epic range.
Round 83: Upgrade the super monkey to sun god.

Round 84:  Now we prepare for the last round.  You can sell the 3 banana farms for more than $10 000 each.   For now, I build 2 more bloonchippers at F.  Upgrade the one: suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel, long range, faster shred. Upgrade the other one suckier, heavy duty, dual layer, super wide funnel . Both Target strong.  If you sold the banana farms, then I recommend some more bloonchippers.

This is how things look after the final round win:

I hope this Bloons TD5 guide helped you!  Please comment below.


100 Safes Hints - Level 71 to 80.

100 Safes Hints - Level 71 to 80.

Go here for the hints for other levels.

100 Safes is a point and click room escape game.  If you are stuck, then these hints will give you some help on how to complete the level.  This is not a complete walkthrough, but rather tips to assist you.  If you are really stuck, use the comments section below to request more help!

100 Safes level 71 Hints:

The question in level 71 is a simple VB script that you could execute as an XLS Macro to get the answer.
The algorithm is as follows:
  Make X equals Zero
  Make Y equals Zero
  Make Z equals Zero
 Repeat 10 times:
      Make X the value of X plus one
      Make Y the value of Y plus the value of X
The password will then be X plus (Y times 2)

100 Safes level 72 Hints:

Rotate the pieces to get a 3-didit number.
Pretty easy?

100 Safes level 73 Hints:

Safe 73 is probably one of the toughest levels in 100 Safes.  There is a picture of a big indian, a little indian tne then 2 binary numbers that you need to add together.  Each binary number consists of 2 bytes (8 bits in a byte). 00000001 00000011  and 00000011 00000001.

The crux is the 2 indians.  Most computer science graduates will know about the big endean and little endean representations of binary numbers.   It has all to do with the byte order.  (Note: the endeans do not impact the bit order inside the byte)

Big Endean:  The most significant byte is left-most.   This is how we normally woud read a binary number.  So the number next to the Big Indian is 259
Little Endean: The byte order is reversed.  Most significant byte is on the right.  So, with this 2 bytes number, you can swap the 2 bytes around and then read as normal.

100 Safes level 74 Hints:

Level 74 will test your geography knowledge of Africa, on the southern side.
The green country is Madagascar with the value 5.
Brown is Zimbabwe.  Light Violet is Botswana.  Red is Namibia.
Notice the order at the bottom from left to right.
The password for the safe will be the numbers for each country as per the list provided.

100 Safes level 75 Hints:

You need to hit the target in level 75.  You need to hit by flipping 8 or less switches.  If you run out of turns, you need to reset the level and try again.  The target is the green circle.  You hit it with the red circle that starts in the top left corner.

The switches top right control the X-axis and the switches at the bottom left control the Y-axis.
The switches are binary based, so the left-most switch will take the red-circle to half way and the right-most switch will move only a small bit.

100 Safes level 76 Hints:

Special days in March, May, and December.
The password for level 76 will be the day of the month for Pi-Day, Star-Wars-Day, and Christmas-Day.
Pi-day is celebrated on 14'th of March because pi is rounded off to 3.14 (3 = March and 14 = the day)
Star Wars Day is celebrated on the 4th of May.  (May the force be with you = May the forth be with you).  Use 4 and not 04 for this one.
If you never celebrated Christmas, then use Google to find the day in December.

100 Safes level 77 Hints:

Change the patterns so that the sides of each hexagon touches the same color of its neighbour.

100 Safes level 78 Hints:

Level 78 contains an encrypted message.  The message reads "aol whzzdvyk mvy aopz slcls pz upulafupul tpubz vul."
This message should be easy to crack.
It is a simple algorithm where each alphabet letter is moved on the same number of letters.

100 Safes level 79 Hints:

The answer to this level
is this level.

This level is level 79.

100 Safes level 80 Hints:

There once was a lady named
Heather.  She lived happily
in a castle far, far away.
Right in the middle of
the castle was  a chicken
egg.  This was a very special
egg. Read carefully or else
no password will be revealed.

--> There is a number hidden in the paragraph.

Well done on solving the first 80 levels of 100 Safes!


100 Safes Hints - Level 61 to 70.

100 Safes Hints - Level 61 to 70.

Go here for the hints for other levels.

100 Safes is a point and click room escape game.  If you are stuck, then these hints will give you some help on how to complete the level.  This is not a complete walkthrough, but rather tips to assist you.  If you are really stuck, use the comments section below to request more help!

100 Safes level 61 Hints:

Level 61 is a level where you need to do some algebra!  

(X+Y) / 4 = Z --> You will get that X+ Y = 4Z.
and X + Y + Z = 100 so you can combine with the above to get:
4Z + Z = 100 --> 5Z = 100 --> Z = 100/5 = 20.

Then you can get X + Y = 80 and X * Y = 1500.
Perghaps 30 and 50?

100 Safes level 62 Hints:

The stopwatch level with 3 buttons: 4 2 6.
Tap and hold the "2" button for exactly 2 seconds and it will change to green.
Turn the 4 and 6 to green and the safe will be cracked.

100 Safes level 63 Hints:

Level 63 contains 4 pictures from classic movies or books.  Fantastic Four, Secret Seven, 20 000 leagues under the sea, and The Dirty Dozen.
The Sigma sign hints that in order to solve level 63, you need to add the 4 numbers together.

100 Safes level 64 Hints:

Find you way from the arrow to the safe, take the shortest route and record the difficult to read pink numbers... 1 8 4  2 4 .....

100 Safes level 65 Hints:

Numbers in different languages

Seven in English
Drie in Afrikaans
Deux  in French
Cinco in Spanish
Zwei in German
Theta in Greek
IX in Roman

100 Safes level 66 Hints:

For level 66 you need to read the 3 numbers in single-hand-sign-language.
You should be able to solve them without having to know sign language!
Look at the first number.  It consist of 4 letters and the 1st and 3rd letter are the same.  Not many numbers will fit.

For the second number, the middle letter looks like a W and the last letter an O
For the 3rd number, the second latter is the same as the 2nd letter from the 1st number...

100 Safes level 67 Hints:

Level 67 is like a game of Mastermind.
Look at the clues.  If Correct = 1 it means that one and only one of the colors in that row is in the correct position.  For Almost = 2 -->  Two of the colors are in the wrong position.

Some extra hints:
One of the colors are not used in the solution.
One of the colors appears twice in the solution.

Once you have the correct color sequence, replace the color with the value at the top (blue = 1, yellow - 3, etc) to get the combination to open the safe.

100 Safes level 68 Hints:

Binary switches!

Flip the switches and notice what combination is needed to get the colors blue, yellow, and green.
The switches represent a binary number.
If the switch is in the UP position, it means "on" or 1.

Binary to Decimal conversion:
000 = 0
001 = 1
010 = 2
011 = 3
100 = 4
101 = 5
110 = 6
111 = 7

100 Safes level 69 Hints:


This is a very easy level!  Count up or down the alphabet as indicated by the letters and numbers.
H + 11 will give you the letter S.

100 Safes level 70 Hints:

To solve level 70, match the car manufacturing logos with the names BENZ (Mercedes), Hyundai, Infinity, and Daewoo.   Next to the logo is a number.  The 4 numbers will be the password to crack the level 70 safe.