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100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough - Doors 21 to 24

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough 
Doors 21 to 24

100 Doors of Revenge Solution for 
Levels 21 to 24

Your guide and inspiration with answers, tips, and tricks to 100 Doors of Revenge. 

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Door 21

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Level 21
It looks like you need to press X and then Y.
The value of X is 3 and Y is 2.
But, you need to enter 5 digits to win this level.

Well, left of X is 3 and left of Y is 2.
So press X 3 times and Y 2 times.

So win this level by typing 33322 on the keypad.

Level 21 solved!

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Door 22
Spider's Web

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Level 22

Tap each spider and count how many times it goes down before returning to the top:
3, 7, 5, and 9
So use the keypad and solve with the code 3759

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Door 23
Gray patterns

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Level 23
On the door there are Roman Numerals
Looks like a left side with mirror image on the right.
Above the door is the hint +,
so add the 2 Roman Numerals together for each row:

V   + V = 10
IV  + VI = 10
V   + V =  10
IX  +  XI = 20

So use the keypad with the code 10101020

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Door 24
Double X

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Level 24

There are 5 number from top to bottom:

6, 9 (above the lamp)
8, 8 (on the door handles)
20 (the XX on the carpet = Roman for 20)

There are 2 downward arrows that hints in the direction.
So use the keypad and type the numbers from top to bottom:



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  2. I strucked on level 25 pls help

  3. How do you complete level 27

  4. Stuck on level 25...

  5. lvl 25:
    give rocks first one on right than shake the phone...and tak the weight up there back and give down there 2 rock, and so on....

    lvl 26:
    clicks all 4 to cross the line...

    lvl 27:
    im stuck on it :P

  6. Level 29plz......tq guys....

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